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Rooftop Republic FPS and PayMe Payment Information

How to Pay Using FPS

Method 1: Scan our FPS QR Code

  1. Open your bank's mobile banking app and select the option to make an FPS payment by scanning a QR code.
  2. When the QR code reader has launched, scan the Rooftop Republic FPS QR code, below.
  3. You'll then be prompted to input the amount you'd like to transfer to Rooftop Republic Co. Limited. Please input your purchase total amount and confirm.
  4. Your FPS payment is now complete! Please take a screenshot of the payment receipt and email it to

Note: Please ensure that your bank account name aligns with the name you entered in the shipping information at the product checkout. If it does differ, please email us to let us know.

Method 2: Type in our FPS ID number

  1. Log onto your bank's online banking (either via mobile or computer).
  2. Navigate to "FPS Payments" and "Make a Transfer"
  3. When selecting a Payee, you will have an option to enter in an FPS Identifier. Type in Rooftop Republic's FPS ID, 167063304
  4. You'll then be prompted to input the amount you'd like to transfer to Rooftop Republic Co. Limited. Please input your purchase total amount and confirm.
  5. Your FPS payment is now complete! Please take a screenshot of the payment receipt and email it to

Note: Please ensure that your bank account name aligns with the name you entered in the shipping information at the product checkout. If it does differ, please email us to let us know.

How to Pay Using PayMe

Method 1: Scan our PayMe Code

  1. Open your PayMe app and click the “Scan to Pay” button in the app.
  2. When the scanner has launched, scan the Rooftop Republic PayMe code, below.
  3. You'll then be prompted to input the amount you'd like to transfer to Rooftop Republic Co. Limited. Please input your purchase total amount and confirm.
  4. Your PayMe payment is now complete! Please take a screenshot of the payment receipt and email it to

Note: Please ensure that your PayMe account name aligns with the name you entered in the shipping information at the product checkout. If it does differ, please email us to let us know.

Method 2: Click our PayLink

  1. Simply click our PayLink here. Clicking this will launch your PayMe app and open up a payment page for Rooftop Republic Co. Ltd.
  2. You'll then be prompted to input the amount you'd like to transfer to Rooftop Republic Co. Limited. Please input your purchase total amount and confirm.
  3. Your PayMe payment is now complete! Please take a screenshot of the payment receipt and email it to

Note: Please ensure that your PayMe account name aligns with the name you entered in the shipping information at the product checkout. If it does differ, please email us to let us know.