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We are on a mission to show how sustainable and healthy living can be powered by urban farming. 

Driven by our passion to share our urban farming expertise and experience far and wide, we established the Rooftop Republic Academy: a variety of online and in-person courses that groom the next generation of urban farmers and allow people of all ages to experience the joys of growing our own food.

Through a combination of hands-on training, classroom instruction, and webinars, we educate people of all backgrounds about urban farming practices, giving our students opportunities to implement farms in their businesses, find employment opportunities within the farming industry, and deepen their skills in home gardening.

We offer courses for:


Learning from the Academy gave me a toolbox and a broad knowledge of how to deal with plants… It’s an experience, a hobby, and it’s also the future!

I used to think that you need a green thumb to grow things. Here at the Academy, you learn that that's not entirely the case... The facilitators here really know their stuff, and they guide you through what you need to do.

In addition to learning new skills, we appreciate the mental health benefits for our participants spending time outdoors. The programme also helped our participants further develop their confidence and independence.

I like to learn new things. It’s good for us to learn so that one day we can make our own farm or grow our own produce. In my country we had rice fields where we grew rice, beans, eggplants, and okra.”

“We shared our vegetables after harvesting with the others from RUN and we were so happy when they were cooked at lunch,

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